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In 2014 you said 2015

Nike has this great slogan, "Yesterday you said tomorrow."  Of course you have to follow that with Nike's "Just Do It" and it begs the question:  You may have had a good year in 2014, but could it have been better?

What got pushed to the back burner last year as you worked in your business fighting fires?  Too often the answer is, "I really wanted to..." and rarely, "I'm so glad I got this done."  Perhaps you wanted to:

  • Work on your company culture
  • Not just set clear, measurable goals, but actually follow-up on them
  • Improve communication, productivity... between your people ANDy our clients!

Your woulda-shoulda-coulda list of ways you wanted to work on your business might be different, but one thing is for sure:  Whatever you postponed in 2014 is still a problem in 2015 AND it involves people. 


Slow down this month and meet with someone who has been where you want to be.  Find a person who has no emotional bias in the decisions you have to make and have a discussion that includes:

  1. Reflect on what you did well last year.  How do you multiply this success for more rapid expansion in 2015?
  2. Identify the three key things you wanted to do last year, but did not, to better engage every employee in your organization.  How much did that cost you in sales and profit?  This year, how much additional sales / profit could we achieve by making these changes NOW (not this instant, but as quickly as possible to do a great job)?  A suggestion:  I just do it.  Schedule it in your calendar now.  Or, delegate/outsource it to someone else inside your organization or outside it.
  3. Identify the three key things you wanted to do last year, but did not, to improve the experience each Client has with your company.  How much did that cost you in sales and profit?  This year, how much additional sales / profit could you achieve by making these changes NOW (not this instant, but as quickly as possible to do a great job)?  Again, just do it.  Schedule it on your calendar now or delegate it.

Do not try to be a Lone Ranger.  Even he had Tonto by his side to help out.  Contact us if you would like to talk through what you want to achieve.

CAUTION:  If this year was "Groundhog Day" for you - you entered the year with regrets similar to when you started 2014...  then talk with someone you trust and have a candid conversation.  Do NOT waste another year.