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Here is what you should do to be a fully engaged leader

Last week I suggested you assess your leadership habits against the low standards of an Arrogant Spaced-Out Boss.

This begs the question, "Well then, what is an example of a leader who is fully engaged in developing themselves and their company culture?"

I do not believe leadership models are set in concrete.  Everyone is different.  Nevertheless the following can be a guideline for you to consider how to better apply yourself in a leadership role:

#1 - Sanctuary

Schedule a recurring event in Outlook or your other calendar program to spend at least 30 minutes weekly in self-accountability. 

Consider this baseball metaphor when planning to set aside this time.  You are competing to win.  The team fighting against you are your bad habits, broken systems, and people. 

The name of the opposing team is the Interruptions.  You need to stop their offensive threat (get three "outs" to retire their side so you can return to offense).

Schedule Out:  Enter your Sanctuary time in your calendar.  Make certain others know this is a time when you are not to be interrupted. 

Shut Out:  Close your office door.  Put a sign on the door that you are in Sanctuary time, or some of our clients like to call it Stealth Mode:  You may be in the office, and continue to be highly dangerous, but for a period of time you need to be invisible.

Tech Out:  Turn-off email, instant messenger, do not answer your desk phone or mobile phone, and respond only to emergency texts. 

Why is this important?  According to

You have an

Average of 87 interruptions per day

22 external interruptions

65 triggered by you

It typically takes over 23 minutes to get back on task

18% percent of your interrupted tasks are not revisited that day

Here is a simple Sanctuary agenda:

  • How did I do on last week's W.I.N.? What's Important Now - My 1-3 most important objectives for the prior week.
  • Where am I on my goals this year? Am I on track?  What action is needed?
  • What is my W.I.N. for this upcoming week? Schedule time during Monday-Wednesday to complete these activities in your calendar.  Why early in the week?  So when you have to fight fires you have time to catch-up on Thursday-Friday and still advance your objectives.
  • Who am I responsible for, and how are they doing? Follow a similar 3-step process for your direct reports that you did for yourself above.

#2 - Leadership

Schedule a 1-2 hour investment of your time weekly to develop your leadership skills, knowledge and/or habits. Develop your soft skills. Carefully plan your calendar. Confirm you are maintaining a balance within your work responsibilities. Confirm you are balancing your career and personal life. Consider major decisions.

This time is a priority.  Schedule this work during Monday-Wednesday.

The best leaders invest in developing themselves weekly.  It is an ongoing process.  The excuses of being too busy, no options, or whatever, are bogus.  The excuses are all lies we tell ourselves so we can stay in our comfort zone. Get out of your comfort zone!

Training and professional development have one of the highest ROI's of any business expenditure.  You have to set the example by first investing in yourself.

#3 - Culture

If you do not invest in your culture, then who will? If you do not make culture a priority, then why should anyone else? 

Leaders are role models.  You have to set the standard through your behavior, not just talk a good game of leadership and company culture. Demonstrate good character by first being the leader and company culture example you want others to be.

Schedule a 1-2 hour investment of your time weekly to develop your company's culture.  Here are two quick ideas:

  • Ask everyone in a weekly or monthly team meeting to explain how they lived out one of your company culture cornerstones (mission, values, vision).  Focusing on this is good for the individual, and hearing how others have lived them out is also inspirational.
  • Work on a project that strengthens an aspect of your 3strands LEADERSHIP.  For instance, improve the efficiency of 1:1 or team meeting schedules;  spend time individually with employees to confirm they are doing meaningful work in your organization;  and/or improve or implement your recognition program.

This time is a priority.  Schedule this work during Monday-Wednesday.

Sanctuary + Leadership + Culture = Growth

It takes 90 days or longer to develop new habits, but first you have to define what you want to change.  Then schedule the activities to bring about the improvement in your leadership and company culture.

Do this on your own.  Do it together with a peer or a mentor.  Do it with a coach like me.

This will be one of the best decisions you ever make in your career. If you want my help 1:1, or you want to reward a manager with training on becoming a better leader, then consider our next Certified LEADER class that starts the week of July 11.