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Together We Will

It’s my birthday today, so I’m posting something near and dear to my heart. My passion. I love people and America, but am deeply worried about both.

Please contact me if you’d like to discuss this post, whether you agree or hate it. I hope your 2023 is healthy, safe, overflowing with love… blessed!

Americans have more in-common than many of our Elites mob of politicians, the media, and the uber wealthy would like us to believe.

If we continue to submit to their influence, then America’s days as an independent, free nation are limited.  As it has been said, 

“United we stand.  Divided we fall.” 

We are the UNITED States of America for two reasons:

Love is stronger than fear; and

united we can overcome any challenge.


Therefore, let’s focus our energy and resources on where we agree to peacefully heal our families and nation. 

Together we will restore affordable government and full Constitutional freedoms that serve the common good of all American citizens.

We will rebuild our future as an independent nation.

How to Restore America’s Future

Our foundation is strong because America’s Constitution was wisely and uniquely designed to balance the power of our three branches of government:  Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. 

Unfortunately, greed and corruption have taken over.  America is not falling apart due to foreign powers, but our own lack of responsibility, morals, and integrity.  The greatest threat to our republic is from within. 

Read history.  The path of America’s decline is not new.  It is the same way other major civilizations failed – Rome, Greece, Mesopotamia, China, and others.  In each case, the country had tremendous success, then too much leisure led to selfishness, lack of morality, the rise of bullies, the loss of personal freedoms,  unlimited government expansion, and debt.

Because America is on the same path as other failed nations, we know how reverse our decline.  It is not easy, but it is possible when we unite. 

As President John F. Kennedy said,

“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

Wake up to what’s happening before it’s too late!  America needs you now.

Common Americans are losing our freedoms to an uncivilized mob of Elites, comprised of powerful bullies “serving” in our three branches of government, media, uber wealthy, and special interest groups.  They violate our Constitution and pervert truth for personal power and financial gain. 

For instance, Elite government presidents, judges, and bureaucrats establish laws and spend billions without the Constitutional right to do so;  wealthy Elites seek to manipulate our thoughts, crush our independent businesses, and make us renters rather than homeowners;  and special interest bully Elites seek to replace our freedom of beliefs by demonizing anyone who disagrees with their latest gender-perversion, racist, and/or political ideals.

Read history.  Prior major civilization failed because selfishness overcame morality, integrity, and responsibility.  Their people chose momentary pleasures rather than courageous good character, responsibility, and equal opportunity.  Their focus became, “It’s all about me,” rather than the common good.

How do we stop the decline of America before it is too late?

We need a leader. 

Today we are becoming slaves to the Elites.  Therefore, we need a leader who has some of the attributes of President Abraham Lincoln, who led our nation through its only civil war to abolish slavery; and  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who sacrificed himself to help America make major strides forward to peacefully overcome racism.

America will not be saved by a politician, billionaire, or celebrity.  This is because under pressure they will choose to do what’s best for them, not what’s best for the common good, as our Founders did.

America will be saved by a movement of the people, led by a commoner.

This commoner is a seasoned leader with the courage, servant’s heart, and wisdom to lead a peaceful, persistent, people’s movement to stop the Elites. 

This commoner loves people and has only one bias:  To do what’s best for the common good of the American people.

Who are “the American people?”  We are low-middle class American citizens who do most of the working, saving, volunteering, and caring in our communities.  We deserve better than the lawlessness of the Elites.

How can common Americans, like you and me, stop these powerful Elites? 

President Abraham Lincoln warned us in 1838 to stop lawbreakers, no matter how powerful they appear to be: 

“Let every American, every lover of liberty, every well wisher to his posterity, swear by the blood of the Revolution, never to violate in the least particular, the laws of the country; and never to tolerate their violation by others.”

We have a powerful weapon:  We share three common values that date back to the founding of our nation, yet connect us today.

When we fully engage in these three values, they connect and inspire us to collaboratively restore our nation.  These values are Courageous good character wins, True equal opportunity for all, and Humbly work for the common good.  Let’s dive a little deeper into each one.

Value # 1:  Courageous good character wins.

Lived out through three core virtues:  Faith, Truth, and Integrity.

Restore Constitutional limits on politicians, our three branches of government, and government spending.  

Together we demonstrate courageous good character when we:

1. Enforce Constitutional protections for full religious freedom so our citizens can peacefully pursue their personal beliefs.

2.     Establish American educational systems that teach people critical thinking skills – how to discern truth from lies, opinions, and partial truths that have been manipulated – not what to think.    

3.     Promote integrity, good character, and the courage to do what’s best for the common good within the boundaries of Constitution throughout the Federal government.

4.     Require ethical stewardship of citizen taxes and American resources.  Four places to start:  Lower government spending to create a budget surplus; start paying down our $31 Trillion in Federal debt without raising taxes on the lower and middle class; remove excessive government employee compensation; and eliminate off-the-books liabilities.


Value #2: True equal opportunity for all.

 Lived out through three core virtues:  Life, Liberty, and Property.

Stop the hatred of class and race warfare.  Instead, replace it with respectful conversations that fully establish and protect the rights of all Americans to have equal opportunity for healthy relationships, to peacefully pursue our individual dreams, and have the same access to property.

Together we fully establish true equal opportunity for all citizens when we:

1.       Restore respect for human life and civility in America.  All lives matter.

2.     Protect every American’s right to free, non-violent speech.  Learn from one another while discerning facts.  Be role models for open, respectful discussion, even when talking with people who disagree with us. 

3.     Teach civics to all Americans.  Civics explain the true facts about our history, and how our Constitution works.  This knowledge empowers common citizens to protect our freedoms and manage our republic responsibly rather than allow greedy politicians, wealthy Elites, and bullies manipulate us for their gain.

4.     Reinstate Congress as the only government entity that may create laws and spend money.  This means we enforce Constitutional law that forbids any president, judge, and bureaucrat from creating or changing laws and tax rates, spending the citizen’s money, or forgiving debt.

Value #3: Humbly work for the common good.

 Lived out through three core virtues:  Gratitude, Responsibility, and Family.

Choose love not fear, thankfulness not envy, and healthy relationships not selfish desires.  America is stronger when we focus on establishing and stewarding what is best for America as a nation.

Together we re-establish and maintain the common good when we:

1.       Encourage a sense of gratitude for the positive aspects of our nation’s history, the freedoms in our Constitution and its wise boundaries, what we have in-common with others, our individual blessings, and our ongoing potential as a free nation.

2.     Be role models of individual and community commitment to be responsible for all we do, as we serve God and/or a cause greater than ourselves.

3.     Restore respect and honor for the traditional family of mother and father, a single parent, and relatives caring for children as the ideal but not the only foundation of love, learning, and relationships.

4.     Establish prudent boundaries in Congress by only allowing 250 people to serve in the House of Representatives, limit each elected member of Congress to introduce only two bills annually, and restore private legislative debate in Congress.  These actions encourage fair, financially wiser, bipartisan solutions that are the best for the common good of all Americans.  

Divided, America’s days as an independent, free nation are limited.

We can choose a different destiny. 

Let’s say “NO!” to the evils that seek to separate and isolate us for their gain. 

Let’s re-establish the safe, fair, and wise boundaries of our Constitution.

Let’s work together to rebuild our courageous good character, true equal opportunity, and commitment to the common good that made America great in past generations.

Together, we will.