Manage 2 Win

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Do Good. Better.

The mission of Yoko Co. is: Do Good. Better.

Does that honestly describe what you are doing today professionally and personally?

Yoko Co. is a digital marketing and creativity SWAT team. They reached 127 million people in 2020. Chris Yoko, the CEO, has worked with some of the planet’s largest and most impactful brands, such as Ritz Carlton, Pampers, and Living Social. He’s equally adept at positively impacting smaller brands, like FHI360, Life Sherpa, and Genomic Health.

It’s awesome! But that’s not why I’m mentioning him and Yoko Co…

Purpose Beyond Profit and The Yoko Manifesto

Chris has a passion to work with organizations who are driven by a purpose beyond profit. It wasn’t always this way. There was a time when he was driven one way personally, and by other objectives in his career.

No more.

Chris has posted a challenge to the world, and America in particular. It’s called, The Yoko Manifesto. This public declaration defines seven major transitions people must navigate during our lifetimes for mankind to successfully continue our evolution and expand our knowledge. 

Check out Episode #120 of The Manage 2 Win Podcast to learn about Chris and why he wrote The Yoko Manifesto.

Meaningful Work and Your Purpose

In our full Habitly course on Leadership Essentials, the middle strand is Meaningful Work, which is exactly what Chris is connecting to through his manifesto. Connecting people to meaningful work is the most important thing leaders do. Compare Chris’ manifesto to how deep you are connecting your people to meaningful work on your team.

Work doesn’t have to be a drag. It can be your calling.