Manage 2 Win

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4 Great Minds on How to Engage Remote Workers

Join David Russell of Manage 2 Win, Adam Goller (oversees 450 people), Laura Berman Fortgang (as seen on Oprah), Bruce Eckfeldt (super entrepreneur and coach), and Jeffrey Tebele (guru of tech company - RCS Professional Services) as we explain how to fully engage your employees onsite and remote… ESPECIALLY your people working REMOTELY!

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Send me questions in advance, or send them to Esther at RCS, the event producer.

Some of questions we plan to answer include:

-How to hire and train new employees in the remote environment
-How to run an effective virtual meeting (Too many virtual meetings waste gobs of time!)
-How to understand your strengths and find your passion so you do what you love and it doesn't feel like work.
-How to respond when your employee tells you they are moving across the world... and more!!

Learn from other people’s questions, hear from the experts, and learn how to move beyond whatever is holding you back... NEXT THURSDAY!!

Register now. #rcsevents #rcspro #ITTR #panel #wfh #culture