Do what is really important

Most leaders share a common struggle:  Finding time to do what they are truly called to do in life because they are so busy.

Hanukkah, Christmas... the holidays is a time of giving.  You have been given an incredible gift to live an adventure only you can experience.  The gift you have this season is...

Time for self-accountability. 

"No!" you say.  I have family commitments.  Cleaning up the house for visitors and a thousand other excuses.

You have the gift of choice.

You choose how to spend your time each day therefore only you choose whether you are living your dreams or not.

"No!" you say.  I have to do this.  I have to do that...  Really?   

About 15 years ago my brother felt something odd in his body and went to the doctor.  The odd feeling was a mass of dead white blood cells.  He had leukemia.

GET REAL.  Do you need to wait for a doctor to say you have cancer to focus on what is truly important?  Or an accident to take the life of someone special to finally make it a priority to spend time with people you love? 

I suggest you choose to set aside 3 times of Sanctuary for one hour each by January 4, 2015.  The goal is to confirm you are living your dreams, using your talents to the fullest, impacting the lives of others as much as you can...  and laughing every day with people you love.

Here is one possible agenda, but the main thing is to THINK: 

1.  WAKE-UP CALL:  If I did not have to work, what would I be doing right now with my life?  What would I be creating instead of all that "stuff" filling up my calendar now?

NOTE:  This might be developing a unique product/service, writing a book, travel, time with friends or loved ones...  

2.  DISCIPLINE:  How can I change my calendar commitments so I can spend at least 4 hours weekly working on my dreams?  Maybe I should work longer 4 days a week so I can spend one full day a week just on my dream.  Pilot a program in January 2015.

WARNING:  You might want to schedule the one day early in the week.  Otherwise it may get crowded out.  If your Dream Day is Friday, then go off-site.

3.  SCHEDULE:  Schedule the time in your calendar.  Get approval from your boss and spouse... or is that the same person?  Communicate to others that you are only to be interrupted for emergencies.

4.  RESEARCH:  Do your research.  Wisdom is gained from many counselors.  Invest part of your dream time to consider what others have learned and/or discuss ideas with people who will be totally candid.

5.  PILOT:  Develop your dream in very small pieces, then test and refine each piece before moving to the next step.

6.  JOY:  Have fun!  One critical attitude you must have to enjoy this process is to constantly remind yourself how thankful you are for specific people in your life, your health, any resources you have, the freedom you have in your country to pursue your dreams, your faith...

7.  OPTION:  Here are some optional challenge questions to consider no matter what your dreams are.  Some of these are inspired by reading some notes of Brian Buffini, but I am not quoting him directly. 

  • Who and what am I courageously loving, living, and fighting for?  This core of life should not be constantly set aside by the busyness of life's lessor demands of our time.
  • Leadership starts with better managing myself.  Where are my strengths and weaknesses?  How can I adjust?
  • My example to others is not the main thing, it is the only thing as a leader.  Possibly the biggest hurdle to being a great leader is that I have to be THE example ALL THE TIME.
  • I want an ownership culture where all of my people take full responsibility for meeting or exceeding expectations with everyone.  This means I must focus on influencing, not controlling.  How am I doing?
  • Every day is significant, but excuses keep me where I am.  What habits do I need to change to force daily progress towards better living my dreams?
  • My positive habits are more important than my intentions and willpower.  Only through improving my habits can I live my dreams.  What do I need to do to improve? 
  • Last but not least, when I know my "why" then I can figure out any "how" and overcome any "what if."

Please accept my sincere gratitude for your encouragement, and my prayer that you are very blessed this Hanukkah, Christmas holiday season and beyond.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

Why not your business?


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