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Day 109 | Are You David or Goliath?

I just read the book, David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell.  It was interesting and I will speak to it this week, but I cannot recommend it.  More on Wednesday...

As you start this week, consider whether you are David or Goliath, using part of Gladwell's definition:

David:  Rule breaker who adjusts his battle tactics to take advantage of the weaknesses of his opponents, plays to his strengths, courageous, humble yet confident because of his faith, and totally without fear to do what is right.

Goliath:  Strong and overpowering when in "single combat," confident based on past victories, courageous, but needs opponents to play by his rules to win.

To grow as a leader you have to play to your strengths with Empirical Creativity, Fanatic Discipline, and Productive Paranoia (Jim Collins' attributes of a 10Xer).  David did this.  Goliath overestimated himself.

The question:  In what ways are you like David and where are you more like Goliath?  

It is Monday.  ACCOUNTABILITY TIME!  (You should have done the following, at a minimum, in your Sanctuary time since late last Friday.)

  1. Review your 2014 goals.
  2. How did you do on your 3Strands last week?
  3. If you have defined your 3Strands for this week?

Stay on track and BE a 3STRANDS LEADER.

Systematic Leadership, inspiring others in Meaningful Work, and consistently expressing Sincere Gratitude to the people around you.