Are You Ready to Play?

Yesterday the Seattle Seahawks came to the Superbowl ready to play - they had energy, intensity, swarming defense...  and the Broncos kind of just showed up and never knew what hit them.

What can you do this week to create an environment where your employees motivate themselves to be their best rather than just show up?

This is a question that is woven deeply into your Sanctuary time activities each week, but now (on Mondays) it is time to apply your plan of action.

Seahawks coach Pete Carroll had his team fully prepared to win.  Are you doing the same for your team?

It is Monday.  ACCOUNTABILITY TIME!  (You should have done the following, at a minimum, in your Sanctuary time since late last Friday.)

  1. Review your 2014 goals.
  2. How did you do on your 3Strands last week?
  3. If you have defined your 3Strands for this week?

Stay on track.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

The Answer Is "No"


Employee Training Idea