Be Micro Ambitious

"Micro" and "macro" are prefixes that are placed before nouns to make their reference small or large.

For instance, there is micro and macro economics.  The study of the overall economy and how it works is called macroeconomics whereas microeconomics focuses on an individual person, company or industry.

Another example is microevolution, which is small changes in living matter due to four different processes:  mutation, selection (natural and artificial), gene flow, and genetic drift.  Macro evolution supposes large-scale changes in living things may occur over an ever-expanding period of time.

What do I mean when I say that you should be Micro Ambitious?

Our process of writing Goals That Work is a macro exercise to define annual, clear, measurable objectives that meet or exceed your objectives for growth each year.

Our 3strands process enables you to focus daily and weekly on achieving the micro activities that lead to accomplishing your macro Goals That Work objectives.  This is a process for daily and weekly progress.

Be Micro Ambitious this week by doing this:

  1. Define your 3strands by Monday morning at 9:00 a.m.;
  2. Schedule uninterruptible time in your calendar by Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. to complete them;
  3. Look at your 3strands each morning for self accountability;  and
  4. Complete them in full with excellence this week.

Being Micro Ambitious is a good thing...


  1. Did you take Sanctuary time over the weekend to improve your focus?
  2. How did you do on your 3Strands last week?
  3. Have you defined your 3Strands for this week?
  4. By 9:00 a.m. this morning you should have 3Strands emails from each of your direct reports.

Stay on track.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

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