Ownership Insights

Yesterday I did a webinar on how to Upgrade to an Ownership Culture.  Click here to download the video, audio and/or presentation screens (140715 Ownership Culture files).

Employees in an Ownership Culture take responsibility for your company being its best.  Do all of your employees do that?

Employees in an Ownership Culture are paid incentives, not bonuses.  Are your people being rewarded and recognized consistently in ways they prefer?

Employees in an Ownership Culture understand how to generate wealth for your company and are fully committed to create profits every day.  Are your people fully committed to profitability every day?

You can work on  your culture on your own, but you have tried to make time to do this for years and for most of you the results are less than you would like.  (There are lots of good ideas in my talk.)

I suggest you consider our Ownership Culture program.  (We still have some openings in this program that kicks off the week of August 4.)  You will see an ROI on our program in 3-6 months.  Let's talk about how your company can be better.

Back in April I spoke twice for CCB, a recognized and respected national reseller to nonprofits that is now rapidly expanding its work with business clients.  My talk was on the power of a leader.  This talk was posted this week if you are interested.

PLEASE NOTE:  An Ownership Culture is an organization of excellence, NOT a company that has a few superstar employees or pockets of excellence.

The profitability, client loyalty, growth rates, and FUN factor of an Ownership Culture are much higher than a typical entrepreneurial company.

So why do you spend so much time on "other stuff" rather than strengthening your culture?

Meeting Ideas

Your company culture is the only thing your competitors cannot steal or copy.  It is the foundation and crown jewel of your organization.

If you want to take your company to the next level then:

  1. Consider the free insights in my talks above.
  2. Think about what you need to have a stronger company culture.
  3. GET REAL.  If your culture is not what you want and you have been in business for 5-10-15-20+ years, you need help to do a "business makeover" to an Ownership Culture.  Let us help, or try working with someone else.
David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


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