
I was working with a client recently and their employees felt the company was making tons of money.  It was profitable, but not making the massive sums of profit fantasied by the disgruntled employees.
At another client there was discontent because employees felt some senior people were not working as long as they were.  These people, a mix of owners and senior employees, would leave work early to indulge in their favorite sport.

The list goes on, but your concern should be perception becomes reality in a mind that gets all mixed up and permanently set, like concrete, when an organization lacks the transparency of an Ownership Culture.

In the first instance, the employees needed to have more of their company's finances discussed with them.  I am NOT advocating an open book company, but there are key financial metrics that are important.  Their misunderstanding also pointed out they need personal financial training too.  (We are creating a course on this as part of our Charm School.  It will be available by the end of August.)

In the second situation, the client needed to take a few actions:  (1) Allow everyone flextime, explain it, and better track it;  (2) Within the laws of their state, post the hours everyone worked, including the owners.  The employees did not remember the owners started earlier than them and worked in the evenings and weekends.  Showing hours worked by all employees educates people on the facts, and adds accountability between peers.

Transparency removes bad feelings based on misunderstood facts and gossip.

Can you identify one area of your company, or your work behaviors, where transparency would help you build a stronger Ownership Culture?


  1. How are you doing on your 3strands this week?
  2. Is the work remaining to complete this week's 3strands scheduled in your calendar so you can work uninterrupted?
  3. Have you scheduled your Sanctuary time later today or over the weekend for personal accountability and focus?

Stay on track.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

Ups and Downs


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