Self-Control Test

I was looking at some notes I had from reading a Bill Johnson book, and one jumped out for you today:

"Self-control is the ability to say yes to your one thing so completely that you have nothing left to give to less important matters."

Ouch!  (You might want to read this advice again.  Arnie Bellini of ConnectWise focused an IT Nation on similar advice a few years ago.)

For instance, if your "one thing" is to build your monthly recurring revenue, then how well are you focused on that? 

Only you can choose your "one thing."  That is the starting point, but once it is defined then making it a priority amidst other priorities, Client needs, employee challenges, etc. is the real work.

I suggest a simple process to consider this in the Meeting Notes.  

WARNING:  Procrastinating on pursuing your "one thing" is lost profits and opportunities you will never have again.

If you need help getting focused, consider some of our services.  We can help.

Meeting Ideas

Here is one way to approach the result of the leadership "test" above:

  1. Define your one most important objective.
  2. Evaluate how well you are pursuing and achieving this objective.
  3. If your progress is not as good as you would like, then GET HELP NOW.
  4. List everything that is taking your time.
  5. Identify activities that can be cut back, delegated to others, or stopped.
  6. Schedule time in your calendar daily/weekly to achieve your "one thing."
  7. Implement a plan including 3strands weekly focus with accountability from one or more others.
Let me know if you need help.
David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

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