2 Biggest Failures of Leaders

Probably 8-10 years ago I realized the two biggest failures of leaders who otherwise operate with integrity in general:

  1. Not setting goals that are clear and measurable where each employee has the skills and authority to achieve them;  and
  2. Not following-up systematically enough to make certain progress is being made to achieve each objective.  (I am NOT advocating micro-management.)

I run into this scenario over and over again:  A boss, often an owner, is frustrated that their people do not achieve more, take on additional responsibility, and do their best all the time...  but the boss:

  1. Has not clearly defined what the employees are to do.
  2. Does not give employees authority that matches their responsibility.
  3. Wants every employee to act like them.
  4. Sees the negative of each employee crystal clearly, but not their positive contributions or POTENTIAL.

The list goes on, but the bottom line is the owner has not structured an environment where employees motivate themselves to do their best.  The systems are not in place to achieve their company objectives.  (We teach how to do this in our Ownership Culture program.

Sorry, but nearly every problem employee is the boss's fault.  We hired them, manage them, develop them, retain them, and want to kill them (at times - figuratively speaking).  They will do better when we do better as leaders.

WHERE TO START?  Stop making the first two, most common mistakes of leaders.  Set clear, measurable goals and then follow-up systematically.


  1. How are you doing on your 3strands this week?
  2. Is the work remaining to complete this week's 3strands scheduled in your calendar so you can work uninterrupted?
  3. Have you scheduled your Sanctuary time later today or over the weekend for personal accountability and focus?

Stay on track.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


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