Five leaders, five ideas

There was a Harvard Business Review article recently that analyzed interviews with 5 incredibly successful coaches of the past in search of common ways to win in very competitive situations.

The coaches:

Sir Alex Ferguson, legendary coach of Manchester United football
Joe Girardi, New York Yankees Manager - 500 game winner
Bela Karolyi, coached gymnasts to 9 Olympic golds
Bill Parcells, turned around 3 NFL teams
Bill Walsh, SF 49er Coach - 3 Super Bowl wins

My conclusions differ a bit from the writer.


Decisions often have to be made quickly and our instant responses or reactions to situations define our leadership impact.  Often there is limited time or no time to think.

This is why my consulting and coaching work incorporates habit development.  Joe Girardi said you cannot think too much.  "The key is preparation... The data has to become instinctual.  You can't think about it in the middle of a pitch."


We teach this very effectively with our Talent Assessments.  The key is to adapt your behavior, especially your communication style, to the preferred style of the employee, Client, or other person whom you are engaging.

Your extremely effective behavior or communication with one person can be a disaster with another.  Know your people.  Teach your team to understand and respect their differences, and adapt to each others' preferred behaviors to improve productivity and fulfillment.

Bela Karolyi gave this insight: "Find out what part of their mind is clicking, what part of their character is responding to you, and what's the one thing you have to avoid."

Consider Coach Karolyi's advice, and then be more intentional rather than just behave instinctively most of the time.


Even superstars can have their feelings hurt.  Sir Alex Ferguson coached, "Few people get better with criticism;  most respond to encouragement instead.  So I tried to give encouragement when I could.  For a player - for any human being - there is nothing better than hearing 'Well done.'  Those are the two best words ever invested.  You don't need to use superlatives."

This applies to your weakest team member AND your strongest.  Your team is only as good as the person who appears to be contributing the least, and you can only extend your strengths as far as your superstars are willing to engage with others.

The key here is to be sincere.  Do not embellish, stretch the truth, or say something that is a lie.  Brief, honest, heart-felt appreciation is an example of Sincere Gratitude, the third strand of 3strands LEADERSHIP.


Yes, being direct, honest, and sincere is good, but if your natural communication style is judgment rather than encouragement then you are tearing people AND TEAMS down rather then building them up.

Bill Walsh advised, "It sounds just great to say that you are going to be honest and direct.  But insensitive, hammer-like shots that are delivered in the name of honesty and openness usually do the greatest damage to people.  The damage ends up reverberating throughout the entire organization..."

Applying Coach Walsh's advice comes back to your habits and ability to adapt to the preferred behaviors of others.  Candor communicated well is a requirement for strong relationships.


Too many of us have a childhood memory or lifelong message ingrained in our soul that we "are not good enough."  Choose a different message.  Believe in your people.

Develop 3strands LEADER habits to come alongside them instead of come down on them.  Adapt to their behavioral preferences to build a stronger bond with them.  Sincerely encourage others based on specific contributions they have made.  Be open and caring about others.

I hope your July is closing strong.  August and September are great times to work on leadership, company culture, and client experience.  Work ON your business, not FOR your business.  Don't miss these windows of opportunity before the 4Q rush!  NOW is the time to develop your company's ability to grow.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

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Fear. You got it. Know it.