Need a Lifeline? 4 Leadership Tips

Bill Hybels did one of the best leadership talks of the year this past Sunday.  His version is faith-based and you can listen to it here or on the iTunes podcasts of Willow Creek Church.

Let me give you my secular version / summary so you can grasp why I feel his teaching is so relevant in September 2016.  (Bill says it much better, but some of you prefer that I limit my use of the "G-word" and related verbiage.)

Bill talks about four lifelines:

1.  Hold on to God’s promises

Don't run away yet.  This is powerful, but I promised a secular version.  My advice is when times are tough, when you are (finally?) ready to make that tough decision, when someone leaves you or a client abandons you after your organization has "died" for them, remember truth.

This too shall pass.  There are more opportunities.  Life has better times ahead, if you are willing to have a focus on Sincere Gratitude (3rd strand of 3strands LEADERSHIP).

2.  Gather information.

When you need a lifeline...  It seems that everything is crashing or you are under attack.  You are faced with a Fool's Choice (my August 18 newsletter / blog), and you do not want to make it.  You feel pressure.  There is a sense of urgency to decide.

What should you do?  Pause and gather information.  New information will open-up new decision possibilities.

3. Increase physical and spiritual disciplines.

When we are under pressure we often stop exercising our body, mind and spirit.  There does not seem to be time.  The fires are raging and we need to fight them.

That is a lie.  You must "feed" yourself - your body, mind, and spirit to emerge victorious from the attacks, pressure, and emotion.  Otherwise your systems are too weak to emerge from that battle...  and the next one...  and the next one.

4. Swim or Grab a Plank.

This is my favorite part of Bill's talk.  His point is often we get within 200 yards of our goal and we either give up, or wait for someone else to "do it" for us.  WHY?

Great leadership is a series of sprints.  When it seems like you are running a marathon instead, then pause for the three steps above, and then TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY for achieving the results you are seeking.  Make it happen.  If you are on course, you will reach your destination.

I love Bill's talk and hope you listen to it.  If not, consider these four nuggets over a great cup of java or tea.  Then get back in the fight...  there's a lot of life left to enjoy.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

Meaningful Monday


Are You Making a Fool's Choice?