#58 - My Email Got Hacked in January and Here’s How We Responded

Recently we were the victims of a hack. David's email was compromised and the culprit tried to get his direct deposit information changed. We do not believe any sensitive data was accessed - we take precautions to safeguard important information. However, it was still scary.

In this episode we discuss what happened and how we responded. We were joined by our good friend Mike Estep, President of BECA, a best-in-class IT solutions provider located in Atlanta, Georgia, who helped explain the issue we encountered, told us stories of other hacks to make us feel better, and shared incredibly valuable tips on how to prevent future attacks.


#59 - Playing to Your Strengths as a Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur, with Heather Dominick


#57 - Employee Engagement and What’s Truly Needed to Create Passion, with Jacqueline Throop-Robinson