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#219 - Jerome Deroy Grabs ‘Em With Great Stories

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Jerome Deroy was hired, but did not connect with the company’s culture.  When he did, he found it lacking direction.  Do any of your employees have the same feelings about your firm?

Honest, engaging storytelling that touches people’s hearts changes relationships, professional and personal.  How well do you explain things to others?

Did you know the human brain is hard-wired for story?  Scientific studies show us that we remember stories more than data, statistics, and numbers. Yet most people in business try to convince others rather than use a story.

Jerome and his Narativ team seek to change that.  They help companies activate behavioral change from the inside out.  Their methods of listening and storytelling can transform anyone’s communication.

In this podcast, Jerome shares aspects of the rigorous and precise Narativ method that gets to the emotional heart of a story to better communicate your company’s value, a point your want to make, or the way a partnership can be a huge win-win for those involved.

Join us to hear Jerome’s tips.  There’s got to be one here that can help you communicate more effectively with others.

Jerome joined Narativ in 2007 after the founders, Murray Nossel and Paul Browde, handed him a shoebox full of notes and said, “We think there’s a company in here.”  Jerome had recently left a position at BNP Paribas, Hong Kong, and come to New York to pursue a career in filmmaking.  Instead, he jumped at the challenge — and transformed Narativ into the business it is today.

For the last 13 years, Jerome has worked closely with clients as diverse as CIGNA, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Janssen Pharma, and Warby Parker to craft business-relevant personal stories for sales, leadership, and team building.  He regularly lectures at Parsons New School of Design in New York City on The Art of Storytelling.



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