Manage 2 Win

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Are You Prepared for 2020?

Here are a handful of ways to get off to a good start next month so 2020 is your best year ever!

If any of these 5 ideas remind you of someone, please forward them this email.

#1 - Bad Leadership Habits?

How much training and mentoring have you had to be a leader?  None?  Not much?  Then it’s no surprise you don’t have all the skills and processes you need to be an effective leader.

Stop making leadership mistakes that hurt your career and relationships with others.  Learn how to create more time in your week to achieve significant work.  Learn 3strands leadership.

Signup for our six-month Leadership Essentials (formerly Certified Leader) program. 

WHAT YOU GET:  One week you have a coaching call with me to develop your leadership skills and habits.  The next week you participate in a live, group, online training to interact with other leaders and learn the best practices of great leaders.

#2 - Hiring Problems?

You hired someone and they’re a disappointment!  You wasted time.  It’s stressful.  It’s no fun to fire her or him.  It’s embarrassing and frustrating to have to hire someone again for that role. 

Stop making hiring mistakes.  Find more candidates.  Hire better people more wisely.

Signup for our Hire the Best system.  Humbly, we believe this is the best hiring system in the world.  In 1Q 2020 we plan to introduce about 75 self-training videos and 250 sample documents and guides related to hiring.  Order now at a lower price.  (You’ll get these key documents, and access to the fully upgraded program with videos, when it’s available.

Today you get the self-serve version for $995, including a free M2W Talent Assessment.  Or, work with me for four hours to implement Hire the Best, and not one, but two M2W Talent Assessments.  (Pricing for self-serve version will increase 2X-3X in 2020.)

WHAT YOU GET:  Full access to our Hire the Best system, a proven way to find better candidates, qualify them correctly, and onboard them into brilliant, top performance.

#3 - Need Better Soft Skills?

Soft skills are how we behave.  Our Triple Perspective Talent Assessment tests for 25 competencies, or soft skills including leadership, decision-making, interpersonal skills…

You hired someone, expecting they know how to behave professionally.  They don’t.  They are rude, mean, do not communicate, poorly manage their time, lack character…

Stop assuming your employees and new hires know how to behave.  Teach them!  Even better, have them learn as a group so they learn your standards together.  (Leaders should take the courses too.)

Sign-up for our Charm School today and try some courses with your team.  It’s FREE for 30 days.  Use our online pre-recorded trainings, quizzes after each lesson, points for quiz completion, and an admin area to manage your employees who are participating.

WHAT YOU GET:  A low-cost way to assign 16 soft skills courses to new hires, have employees work on behaviors as part of a performance improvement plan, and enable managers to lead group trainings on soft skills with very little preparation.  Also, we’ll be adding a new course monthly in 2020.

#4 - Do You Really Know Yourself?

Why do you make mistakes?  Why do you miss deadlines, and/or make others upset? 

Stop wasting time with unnecessary drama because you don’t fully comprehend your most intense behaviors, motivators, and the maturity of your soft skills.

Try our M2W Talent Assessment service.  If you haven’t done one before, then order a free Talent Assessment here (about halfway down the page).  You get the full Triple Perspective service, one time, at no cost!  If you have tried them and want to order TA’s for your team, then use coupon assess5 for a 10% discount on any order of 5 or more.

WHAT YOU GET:  An amazingly accurate explanation of how you behave, what drives you, and your maturity in 25 different soft skills.  You receive a 50+/- report, cubicle sign to remind yourself and others how you work best, and a 2-to-3 page summary of how anyone can work effectively with you.  Apply what you learn to accelerate your career, and improve your productivity with others.

#5 - How About Free Stuff?

Subscribe to our newsletter with advice on how to be a great leader enjoying a thriving career.

Subscribe to the Manage 2 Win podcast where we interview leaders and other game-changers.  Get new ideas, insights, and real wisdom you can apply to be your best.

Don’t hesitate to email us with any questions.

Have a very blessed Christmas and holiday season!  We hope you are closing this year in great health, with joyful laughter that makes your eyes tear up and stomach hurt, and a confident belief that great opportunities are ahead!

Sincerely yours,


David Russell

Senior Consultant and leadership activist