Manage 2 Win

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Every Leader's MUST-HAVE Leadership Essentials

Do you have leaders with one of these three issues?

  1. Leadership attributes, but poor habits and processes.

  2. Individual superstar, but limited skills guiding a team, or

  3. Average / low performance individually and/or of their team.

If you answered “Yes” that you or one of your leaders has one or more of these issues, then your leaders do NOT know the essentials of leadership.

Here is one way to start. Develop a simple 3-step discipline to develop your leaders:

(1) Train your leaders weekly or biweekly; 

(2) Engage a coach for 6-12 months to develop your leader’s soft skills, habits, and hire-manage-develop-retain great employee processes;  and

(3) Hold your leaders accountable on a daily or weekly schedule, with broader discussions monthly, and quarterly 2 hour-to-2-day retreats out of the office.

Why is it important to train your leaders?

It’s important to train your leaders because they are responsible for the 4 Management Disciplines that drive your organization’s success.  These disciplines are the soft skills, relational habits and hard skill process and systems that determine who joins your company and how they perform. 

The 4 Management Disciplines are how your leaders:

1.      Hire people

2.      Manage employees

3.      Develop talent

4.      Retain every great person who works in your organization

You can have an incredibly meaningful purpose in your organization, but weak leadership will stagnate your growth or even kill your company.

You can have amazing products or services, but weak leadership will fail to capitalize on the opportunity and your competitors will pass you by.

You can have the greatest people, but weak leadership will drive them away or transform your superstars into average performing lemmings.

Leaders typically fall into one of three categories.  They either know and regularly demonstrate the essentials of great leadership, or not. You might call it a mess because most companies have a mix of leadership skills rather than consistently strong leaders:

#1 – Mature

These fully developed leaders never stop learning through peers, coaches, reading, and other forms of knowledge acquisition.

#2 – Experienced

These leaders have two or more years of experience and do some things exceptionally well.  However, they also have bad habits or broken processes that hold their teams back.  Their learning, growth, and performance are inconsistent. 

#3 – Strong Start

These new leaders have aptitude, but limited knowledge, experience, and skills.  To grow into effective, powerfully positive leaders they need coaching on the systems and habits of our 4 Management Disciplines:  How to hire, manage, develop, and retain great people. 

One Way out of the MESS

Manage 2 Win has a solution for you to consider:  Our Leadership Essentials program. 

Every leader must know the essentials. The good news is our Leadership Essentials program helps all leaders at any maturity level.  It especially closes the gap for Experienced and Strong Start leaders.  However, it also helps Mature leaders overcome bad habits that trip them up.

Join our 6-month program starting June 1st to be part of a powerful peer group for training, and separately one-on-one tactical coaching sessions with me (David Russell) to fully develop your leadership potential.  

Six months in, and then you’re done!  Your leaders will have a firm foundation for growth, high engagement with their people, and maximum productivity to achieve results.

Every participant will:

  1. Increase your emotional intelligence (understand YOU better);

  2. Learn how to build on your strengths and what you love to do;

  3. Gain new habits and processes to overcome areas of weakness;

  4. Receive coaching on how to pilot new strategies, processes, schedules, habits, and behaviors; and

  5. Be respectfully, yet firmly, held accountable to improve yourself.

Learn more at

We have learned a lot over the past 15 years teaching our Leadership Essentials best practices.  As a result, NEW CONTENT is incorporated into this Leadership Essentials course starting June 1, 2021.

The group is limited to five leaders who work with David Russell for six months. Sign up and you will be interviewed to confirm you are a fit for the program. 

Improve Your Leadership Skills In a Relatively Short Time

Six months is a small amount of time in which you can radically improve your leadership skills.  We have taught our Leadership Essentials best practices to hundreds of leaders and the results can be amazing!

For less than the monthly cost of many SEO programs, one employee’s family health insurance, and many other company expenses, you can transform any leader from Strong Start to an Experienced leader; from Experienced to become a Mature leader;  or from a Mature leader with some bad habits to a Mature leader with new, more powerfully positive habits that overcome the bad ones.

Upgrading a leader’s skills often increases the outcomes of their team by 10-20% or more.

This is one reason the ROI on the M2W Leadership Essentials program is typically one month.  However, it depends on the number of people the leader is hiring, managing, developing, and retaining;  and the results their team is striving to achieve.

5 Seats available.  Starts June 1. Click Here to Learn More.

Questions? Schedule a 25-minute call to talk with Dave.  Or you can email us to learn more.